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LoFi beats meet DeFi sheets


LoFi beats meet DeFi sheets

ChillFi, or Chill Finance, was the love child between LoFi beats and DeFi trading. The procedurally generated "game" streamed 24/7 to Youtube, displaying live cryptocurrency trades and a smooth, copyright-free music playlist.

The mission was to build a casual watching experience for DeFi traders while they spent their days (and nights) trading. Part entertainment, part business, the idea was to scale viewership to result in advertisement funding. Whether through the native Youtube platform, or through off-platform ads companies could introduce their logos into the game for a set period of time. Here's what it looked like: 

ChillFi: Streaming Platform

Build it yourself

Below are the key resources you'll need to start: 

  1. The 'ChillFi' Unity Game to generate your video stream
  2. A Spotify account to play music in your stream (no sound comes from the actual ChillFi game)
  3. Streamlabs OBS to gather your video/audio and stream to Youtube

Visit the project's GitHub at:

Key Details

If you want to copy this project you must use Unity 2020.2.1f1. Failing to do so will result in reimport for later versions to break the project's functionality. To retrieve the cryptocurrency pricing data we use Shrimpy and CoinMarketCap APIs.

Target project platform is Standalone (Windows and OSX), however it's possible to compile it for mobile platforms if needed.

WARNING! To get the proper version of Unity go to the archive page here:

Quick Start Guide

Once you have the project opened on Unity you can test it by pressing the Play button at the top.

At first, Unity will forward you to your browser, where it will ask you to login into your Spotify account.

That happens because of the Spotify4Unity plugin that has been integrated to display the current track you are playing on Spotify during the streaming session.

Disable Spotify AutoConnect

For development and debug purposes, you can disable the Spotify AutoConnect feature. This also helps if you don't want to have the Spotify Login page ppear each time you enter Unity's PlayMode.

You can disable it in the SpotifyService MonoBehaviour class at SpotifyService gameObject.

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DeFi Ticker Setup

If you want to change the current list of tickers on the left monitor ( streamed from CoinMarketCap API), you need to change the ticker to an existing one in ShrimpyService MonoBehaviour class at ShrimpyService gameObject. You can also change the order of the symbols in this list.

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WARNING! Make sure to choose a proper ticker in the list. Incorrect or not covered tickers in CoinMarketCap will result in an error.

DeFi API Workflow

To get live cryptocurrency ticker data for our application we use:

Shrimpy API (

CoinMarketCap API (

Shrimpy is used to receive data for the 'right' monitor currently titled "Latest Trades". This data comes with limitations in the Shrimpy service policy. We only have 60 request per minute for one authenticated IP (that sends API-KEY request header), or, 10 requests per minute without an API-KEY.

Shrimpy pulls in an OrderBook with live bids and asks. The ShrimpyService class then selects bids and asks at random, choosing only the trades for tickers in our defined list on the 'left' monitor.

Have fun and be safe!

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